
All That A School Story Can Be!

School Story Experience is an educational service for school leaders and their school communities. This article highlights how, at its core, it helps manage the complexities of communicating a schools’ vision and mission through 21st-century digital communication strategies and tools. Most importantly, it sets out how we view the service as a pedagogy-based one, rather than marketing or public relations. Ironically, though, the approach shows that the best advertising for any school are the affirmations which it receives from its own students, staff and parents.

2018 Reflections On Learning About Parliament

In 2018, I had the privilege of interviewing three teachers about their work with Year 2 students. They reflected on how early it’s possible for children to view themselves as active citizens in Australian democracy, built on the belief that their voices have power and agency. The discussion began with Mary Boutros pointing out the commonality between how parents and teachers deal with a child’s developmental milestones.

Enigma Missions

It’s time for our students to see themselves differently. How do we build in them incredible character and an eternal thirst for learning? How do we develop them into people who don’t settle for the status quo or content to be passengers passively sitting in the backseat?

Connecting Big Ideas

It all started with the overarching idea we were exploring that year around the theme of identity. As a teaching team, we knew we wanted the kids to feel empowered, empowered enough so that they would be motivated to take action in some way to have a positive effect on their world.

Creating A Learning Community

It pushes you so hard, sometimes it’s overwhelming. But it pushes you to find a balance between teaching kids those really important skills, those building blocks, and then, allowing kids to be independent, autonomous … to teach each other, to create spaces, to research, all those things.