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Comprehension transition (CTR)
I teach the CTR learning outcomes for three periods per week.
Students in the Comprehension Transition (CTR) strand learn and practise skills that contribute to reading comprehension. At this level of reading, students are considered to be in transition to comprehension because they are working towards decoding complex words with automaticity, which is a crucial step in understanding and effectively using written texts. Students also develop their comprehension skills through word-based exercises and speaking and listening tasks.
Reorganisation skills: Join information to find the meaning (literal comprehension).
Inference skills: Infer information that is hinted (inferential comprehension).
Marking the text: Underline keywords and phrases to locate evidence.
Oral language skills: Express ideas loudly, clearly and in the appropriate formal register.
Comprehension (COMP)
I teach the COMP learning outcomes for three periods per week.
Students in the Comprehension (COMP) strand learn and practise strategies and skills that enable them to understand increasingly difficult texts. Teachers provide explicit instruction of various reading skills, followed by students working cooperatively with their peers and then independently to make meaning of written texts. Students also engage in oral language activities to enhance their verbal expression and listening comprehension skills.
Reorganisation skills: Join information to find the meaning (literal comprehension).
Inference skills: Infer information that is hinted (inferential comprehension).
Marking the text: Underline keywords and phrases to locate evidence.
Oral language skills: Express ideas loudly, clearly and in the appropriate formal register.