Text Response CAT
Students are to respond analytically to a range of statements on the characters, themes and setting of The Simple Gift.
Each paragraph response should be written using TEAL format and be approximately 150-250 words. Responses should contain the use of textual references and quotes.

Learning Intentions & Success Criteria Leading To The Common Assessment Task.
- We are learning about the context of The Simple Gift
- We are developing our understanding of The Simple Gift.
- We are learning about the style of The Simple Gift
- We are learning how to analyse characters in The Simple Gift.
- We learning how to analyse the themes in The Simple Gift.
- We learning how to analyse setting in The Simple Gift
- We are learning how to select and analyse evidence.
- We are learning how to responds analytically to questions.
- We are learning how to act on feedback
- I can explain the main ideas in The Simple Gift.
- I can outline why Steven Herrick chose to write this novel.
Essential vocabulary to be covered within unit:
Free verse | Homelessness | Alcoholism |
Grief | Protagonist | Belonging |
Identity | Alienation | Class |
I can identify and summarise key events, characters and ideas in the novel
I can identify and summarise key events, characters and ideas in the novel.
I can explain some of the key features of The Simple Gift, including:
- Free verse form
- Chapter structure
- First person narrative
- Flashbacks
- Language
- Foreshadowing
- I can identify the main traits and values of each character.
- I can summarise the struggles they face and their responses.
- I can use evidence from the text to support my observations.
- I can identify themes in the novel.
- I can select evidence from the text that highlights these themes.
- I can analyse what Herrick was trying to convey with each theme.
- I can describe one setting in the novel in detail.
- I can select textual evidence that supports my description.
- I can analyse the impact of this setting on character, plot or theme.
I can analyse the significance of evidence in relation to
- Character development
- Theme
- Author’s intentions
I can embed quotes within my sentences.
- I can analyse the significance of character, theme, setting and author intention in The Simple Gift.
- I can embed textual evidence within my responses.
- I can use the rubric to determine what I did well in the CAT, and what I need to improve.
- Using the feedback provided to me, I can re-attempt one part of the CAT that I found the most challenging.
Year 9 Analytical Responses: The Simple Gift – Rubric for English students __ / 20 ___%
Rubric Elements | Not Shown | Emerging | Beginning | Competent | Proficient |
Students can recall key knowledge and skills, with teacher and peer support. | Students are beginning to identify and use key knowledge and skills | Students are able to apply key understandings and skills. | Students are able to analyse and justify key knowledge and skill | ||
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |
Structural elements | Insufficient Evidence | Student has attempted to use TEAL to structure their responses. At least one of these elements (topic sentence, evidence, analysis, linking sentence is present), however may be very brief. | Student has included two or more elements of TEAL to structure their responses (topic sentence, evidence, analysis, linking sentence) | Student has used TEAL to structure their responses. Each element is present (topic sentences, evidence, analysis, linking sentence). This structure is mostly followed and adequate detail is included. | Student has used TEAL to structure their responses. Each element is present (topic sentences, evidence, analysis, linking sentence) and the detail provided is sophisticated in nature. More than one example has been included in each paragraph. |
Character | Insufficient Evidence | Responses demonstrate a basic understanding of key characters. Responses are mostly explanations and summaries of the text. | Responses demonstrate some understanding of key characters, including reference to one or more of the following criteria: values, characteristics, obstacles they face, how they change, and why the author created this character. These criteria have been briefly explained, with some analysis present. | Responses demonstrate mostly detailed understanding of key characters, including reference to most of the following criteria: values, characteristics, obstacles they face, how they change, and why the author created this character. Clear analysis is evident throughout the responses. | Responses demonstrate a through and sophisticated understanding of key characters, including reference to all of the following criteria: values, characteristics, obstacles they face, how they change, and why the author created this character. Sophisticated analysis is evident throughout the responses. |
Theme | Insufficient Evidence | Responses demonstrate a basic understanding of a key theme. Examples given are brief. | Responses demonstrate some understanding of a key theme. Student has attempted to explain the significance of the evidence included. | Responses demonstrate mostly detailed understanding of key themes and ideas in the text. Examples provided are detailed, relevant and analysed to show their significance. | Responses demonstrate a thorough and sophisticated understanding of key themes and ideas in the text. Examples given are detailed, relevant and analysed to show their significance. References to the author’s intention are present. |
Language Conventions | Insufficient Evidence | Some correct use of sentence level punctuation (capital letter, full stops, commas, questions and explanation marks) and most common words are spelt correctly. | Sentence level punctuation, grammar and spelling is mostly correct throughout the piece. Writing is clear. | Correct punctuation, including dialogue and colons, grammar and spelling are consistently used throughout the piece. Writing is clear and fluent. | All punctuation, grammar and spelling are correct and used to enhance the effect on the reader. |
The Writing Process | Insufficient Evidence | Some evidence of planning and drafting. | Evidence of planning, drafting and editing in the final copy. | Evidence of thorough planning using the planning document, drafting and editing including conferencing and revising before producing the final copy. | Evidence of thorough planning using the planning document, drafting and editing including a willingness to make changes based on feedback before producing final document. |
VCAA Standards Assessed In English Learning Outcomes
Responding to literature
Present an argument about a literary text based on initial impressions and subsequent analysis of the whole text (VCELT436)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating
Use comprehension strategies to interpret and analyse texts, comparing and evaluating representations of an event, issue, situation or character in different texts (VCELY443)