Firstly, congratulations on daring to have fun in inquiring how the two curious creatures visit, trip over and are dumped on the shores of ten different islands. We guarantee that you and your students will share many adventures exploring how motivation and purpose shape decision-making and problem-solving.
Red Wool Editions’ Why In The World Are We Here? is much more than a picture book. In fact, it is designed to affect a student’s development of ‘better thinking’ like a stimulating learning platform, a term borrowed from the Reggio Emilia principle that views the learning environment itself invested with the role of the ‘third teacher’, after educators and families.
The education programme that accompanies Red Wool Editions’ exciting text offers ways of igniting middle school students’ learning of Critical and Creative Thinking. Moreover, our aim is to equally excite both student and teachers to apply the capability’s learning continua to celebrate the development of young philosophers.
Visiting ten island-worlds
Once young readers land on the island home of two enquiring creatures, Eia and Whhat, they are transported with them on an extraordinary journey. With no less than ten different island-worlds to explore, students are in for a provocative adventure. The journey will challenge the way they understand their motivation and perception to do anything. At all times, they will need to consider both personal and community contexts. It will call on their capacity to reason within contradictorily different environments. What’s more, they will need to become deeply aware of how time, place and actions affect their achievements as learners.
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