G10 Humanities Club


The G10 Humanities Club is an extracurricular group of passionate young social scientists who seek to understand how to question more deeply, understand important events in detail and reflect on the consequences of significant world events. The focus for the group in Term 1, 2025 is the Anzac Day Schools’ Award.

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The Inaugural 2025 Project

Anzac Day Schools’ Award

The Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) hosts the Anzac Day Schools’ Awards, a national competition based on students interpreting an annually set theme. In 2025, the theme is Remembering Gallipoli: 110 years.

The G10 Humanities Club will focus its response on the following areas of investigation.

The Gallipoli Campaign

What happened on the 25th of April 1915, and in the Gallipoli Campaign, to warrant commemorating them through a public holiday? What are some effect ways to get a school community know about the event?

    1914 to 1916 Timelines

    Global Consequences

    What are the consequences of Australia’s role at Gallipoli, and in WWI generally? Do the events still have an influence on Australian cultural values? Do we know the attitudes towards Anzac Day in our community?

    Consider this…

    Commemorating Anzac Day

    What are the traditions and ceremonies that have come to be associated with Anzac Day? How has commemorations changed over the decades? What the official ceremonies that are happening around us this year?

    Anzac Day Services

    The least told stories of Gallipoli

    Over the years, some stories have become better known than others. For instance, as enough attention been shown to the international make-up of the Gallipoli Campaign that included NZ, Canada, India, France and Great Britain, Turkish and German forces?

    Who was there?

    Paying special attention to…

    How is the 25th of April 1915 commemorated by Defence Veterans throughout Australia and other countries who participated in the Gallipoli campaign? What if we were to pay attention to the stories of local veterans & their families? Similarly, what if we highlight the Maori and Indian stories?

    Stories of service

    The Gallipoli Files

    Different nations have built up a substantial archive around Gallipoli. Click on the button below to get acquainted to the substantial records collected by the Australian, New Zealand, Indian, Canadian, French and Turkish museums and libraries. See how the archival information is organised and exhibited

    Museums & Archives

    Join the G10

    G10 Humanities Club Registration Form

    Name the Humanities class you belong to.